September 03, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Oskar Schlemmer Oskar Schlemmer Ballet Artwork, Bauhaus and Biography Oskar Schlemmer born 4 September 1888 (died in 13 April 1943) was a German painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer associated with...
Agustus 30, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Prayoon Yomyiam Prayoon Yomyiam - Mother Prayoon Of LamTad Traditional Show Selebrate by Google Doodle National artist Prayoon Yomyiam, better known as Mae Prayoon for her 'lamtad' traditional show, her skill in various types of tradi...
Agustus 29, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Photographs Technique, Biography and Career Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky was a Russian chemist and photographer. He is best known for his pioneering work in color photography of...
Agustus 27, 2018 Biografi Sir Donald George Bradman Sir Donald George Bradman Facts and Biography Sir Donald Bradman George is an Australian cricketer who is widely recognized as the greatest hitman of all time. Sir Donald Bradman was...
Agustus 12, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Mario Moreno "Cantinflas’" History Biografia and Career Mario Fortino Alfonso Moreno Reyes, known casually as Mario Moreno, and known professionally as Cantinflas (August 12, 1911 – April 20, 1993...
Agustus 01, 2018 Biografi Gerda Taro Google Doodle Gerda Taro’s 108th Birthday Remarkable By Google Doodle's Today Gerda Taro’s 108th Birthday Remarkable By Google Doodle Gerda Taro, who carried a Polish passport, published her photographs in Ce Soi...
Juli 26, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Lyudmila Rudenko: Chees Career and Biography Born in Lubny, Ukraine, Lyudmila Rudenko started playing chess at age ten, but did not seriously study the game until a move to Moscow in 19...
Januari 16, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Katy Jurado Artis Pemenang Oscar Hingga Tangani Banteng Karir Katy Jurado dimulai dengan beberapa film yang diproduksi selama bioskop Golden Age of Mexican, termasuk film La vida inútil de Pito...
Januari 11, 2018 Biografi Google Doodle Alan Paton Marked With Google Doodle Today, Who Is He? South African author and activist Alan Paton's honoured by Google Doodle today, He introduced the world to life in pre-Apartheid Sou...
Desember 27, 2017 Biografi Google Doodle Profil Marlene Dietrich Si Aktris "Liar" Amerika-Jerman Marlene Dietrich penyanyi dan aktris Amerika-Jerman yang digambarkan sebagai artis "liar", dan dipuji sebagai bintang wanita kese...
Oktober 19, 2017 Biografi Ilmu Pengetahuan 5 Fakta Menarik S. Chandrasekhar Astrofisikawan Peraih Nobel S. Chandrasekhar Astrofisikawan Peraih Nobel S. Chandrasekhar lahir di Lahore, India Britania (Pakistan), pada 19 Oktober 1910 adalah ...
Oktober 09, 2017 Biografi Seniman Bagong Kussudiardja Muncul di Google Doodle Hari Ini Bagong Kussudiardja adalah seniman besar Indonesia lahir di Yogyakarta, 9 Oktober 1928. Hari ini Ayahanda Butet Kertarajasa ini muncul ...
September 23, 2017 Biografi Ilmu Pengetahuan Asima Chatterjee Ahli Kimia Bidang Pengobatan Kanker Asal India Dr. Asima Chatterjee lahir di Kolkata, 23 September 1917 adalah seorang kimiawan asal Kolkata, India, yang menekuni bidang kimia organik...